Take a moment to re-read my Philosophy of Discipline. I believe that supervision is an essential part of good classroom management, but building a strong relationship is the most important part. A strong relationship is created and renewed everyday in the little interactions you have with each and every scholar. I talked with you almost a year ago about the power of greeting your scholars at the door every morning. This one little thing demonstrates to scholars that you care and it gets everyone off on the right foot. Never assume your scholars know how you feel; demonstate it every day. Being prepared and greeting your scholars builds that relationship one day at a time and it models excellent life skills. I am very pleased to say that most of our teachers consistently model this practice, and I see the difference it makes. I want you to think about your morning and afternoon routines and the routines of the school. What are some things that are working well, and what do we need to consider improving next year? Think about how scholars walk the halls, come into class, go to lunch, and leave at the end of the day. More importantly, think about how our routines build relationships with scholars.