There are many thoughts about homework. How much, what type, should it be graded? And the debates go on and on. Even the researchers can't give definitive answers when it comes to elementary age children. Below are two links to articles that review research about homework in elementary school. I encourage you to read these articles to arm yourself with knowledge on the subject before you assign homework or attempt to talk with parents about it.

As we get ready for the school year, I want you to be very thoughtful about how your grade level constructs its homework policy. I believe that homework has its place within a few simple guidelines. I believe homework is an opportunity to deepen understanding of academics, develop a love of learning, build study skills, and create excellent relationships with parents. Before we meet as grade levels, I want you to reflect on your own beliefs about homework. Here are a few of mine.
- Homework should be consistent in all classes within a grade level
- Homework should be clearly communicated to parents
- Homework should take a reasonable amount of time (both articles explore this)
- Homework should be well-planned and not just whatever is not completed in class
- If assigned, homework should not be optional - if it's assigned it must be done
- I don't believe that homework necessarily needs to be graded, but I believe it must be addressed in some meaningful way if scholars are going to take it seriously
Look at homework as an opportunity to hook kids and parents to get them on board with what you're doing in class. Get them excited about school through homework. When we meet as grade levels, be prepared to talk about what you think about homework. Let's make Walker Creek a place where scholars and parents love their homework.