Meet the Teacher Night and the First Day of School exceeded my expectations. The energy, planning, and execution were remarkable. Thank you to everyone for being prepared, and for doing the little extra things that make the difference between chaos and order. What are your thoughts about Meet the Teacher Night and the First Day of School? What successes and fun stories do you have to share?
Busy busy day but everywhere I went I saw smiling faces .
Again, a big thank you to Mary Marion for all the help she gave me today. The really nice EA that was hired on Thurday of last week for my class took a teaching position in Arlington on Friday. Mary Marion was so great to help me out.
Meet the Teacher night was great. I really enjoyed seeing all the families. A lot of my former students came by to say hello as well. My first day of second grade was AWESOME! I really am excited about the new year. The teamwork here at Walker Creek is amazing. I love how we all work together, and the jobs get done. Thanks to everyone for a successful first day of school.
One of the questions I ask my new scholars at Meet the Teacher night is: "What do you want to learn in second grade?" The cutest answer this year was a snaggle-toothed grin saying, "I just don't have a clue!" I would love to see us try having Meet the Teacher earlier in the week in order to have a workday to get our supplies unpacked and the room ready for the first day, even if everything isn't up on the walls yet for Meet the Teacher. Our first day was very calm and smooth other than just one MIA child at the end of the day! (He insisted his mom told him to ride the bus--oops--circle drive!)
The positive energy in this building on the Meet the Teacher evening and the first day was so powerful! It is wonderful to work with so many dedicated people to their profession! It was obvious that the parents and the students felt it as well! Everything was so smooth and it was so great to have my former 4th grade students again back in my classroom for 5th! I had a former student walk into my room on Meet the Teacher night and was almost in tears...her comment..." I have prayed all summer to be in your class again"! Isn't God great! This of course brought tears to my eyes as well!Awesome beginning of school!!!!
I also wanted to say that I helped out in the office today and let me tell you all them lovely ladies work hard to keep things at the school running smoothly and they did a great job today. We should all let them know that we appreciate them for being patient and caring because that's a rough job.
Meet the Teacher Night started the year out right. Nearly every child and their parents attended. Four of my scholars are new to WCE. Their parents are excited to be a part of our school. Today went great! I didn't hear any whining...maybe we just stayed too busy. I am proud to be a part of such an awesome group of caring educators!
Meet the Teacher and the first day of school were both fantastic! It was exciting meeting my new families Friday night and getting a chance to bond with the scholars today. I have had nothing but positive comments about the upcoming school year from parents and I cannot wait to get into the full swing of things. Being a parent of WCE students, I am thrilled with their teachers and cannot wait to see what new heights they reach this year. Everyone at WCE is part of my family and I cherish them all!
I also need to mention that both Peyton and Caden came home so excited about the first day, their teachers, and their classmates. They said it was the best day!
I was told that I was much skinnier this year by a student.
I walked into the computer lab yesterday on the first day of school and Mallory was showing Kindergarten students the lab and it looked great! Kindergarten students in the lab on the first day of school and everyone was smiling, even Mallory!!! Great job!
Great! The excitement on Meet the Teacher Night and the beginning of school has gone off without a hitch. It has been going by fast, I need to slow down and take a breath.
Meet the teacher night was great! I always enjoy seeing the excitement on my little Kindergarteners faces! The first day of school was a success! I only had one little scholar cry in the morning and one mommy cry when she left her little one for the first time. I thought that was pretty good for Kindergarten!
There is nothing like the excitement of a new kindergartner...or a new kindergarten teacher! Loved meeting all my students and families at meet the teacher night. I also love hearing Ricardo experience Kinder for the first time. He makes us laugh every day. Laughter is good for the soul! First of school is always a huge transition for our kiddos and most are adjusting well!
My first day as a K teacher started with a small glitch. One little dude didn't want to get in my room. We tried everything, even leaving a trail of toys to see if he is going to follow. Not an easy kid to convince. Eventally I was able to get him in, after a long while. At lunch time, luckily I went to drop my lunchbox to my room before heading to the cafeteria to pickup my little ones; to my surprise, I found 5 of my little ones sitting on the carpet chatting. I asked them why you were so early here, and they said that the decided to dismiss themselves because they finished lunch early and it was boring in the cafeteria. Can you imagine my panic if I got to the cafeteria before my room and found 5 of my kids missing? Now a know a little of what the K teachers go through. My respects for my super awesome team. I am very fortunate to have such a super wonderful team. Without their help and support I would be pulling out my few strands of hair left!!!
I had a great Meet the Teacher night. Every single child was represented except my personal assistant who is staying back to help me this year. I guess he decided that he knows me well enough already!
The first day was exciting, but draining. So much to learn! It was a good beginning though. We are on our way.
Meet the Teacher was great! I was blown away at the turnout. I just felt that those families were so excited to be a part of WCE. It made me feel very blessed to be a part of this school. Without sounding cheesy, there is just something in the air at WCE that makes you feel special to be a part of it!
Thank you to all of the staff for making new teachers feel so comfortable!
I had a humbling experience yesterday (Friday) that I would like to share. In my afternoon class, there is a scholar that comes to WCE from daycare and leaves school to go back to daycare. I can imagine his little 4 yr. old self is pretty tired with all the transitions he makes in a day. I was trying all week to keep this in mind because his behavior is challenging with fits and harsh words. Well, in circle time yesterday, I read the class Kevin Henkes' Chysanthemum and when it got to the part of Chrysanthemum "...feeling much better after hugs and kisses" from her mother and father, this 4-yr old scholar shared with us that his daddy died and is in heaven and he can't hug him right now but when he gets to heaven he can.
WOW. I had a wake up/reminder moment that I hope lasts for a long time---to really get to know a child, guide him with patience and love and never give up! We NEVER know exactly what a child has been through in his/her life or just in that day.
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