It is my sincere hope that you see the value in developing professional relationships with educators at other campuses. The principals in the Birdville cluster are committed to making our PLC successful, and we are already talking about having less information and more time for collaboration at our January PLC. Make sure your voice is heard by responding to the survey. What plans do you have to connect with your colleagues at the other Birdville cluster campuses? What outcomes do you hope to see with our cluster PLC?
Being in a new grade level, I value the experiences of my WCE grade level. I am excited to be able to expand that to the cluster teachers as well. I have been given lots of great math ideas from our content area meetings. I hope to continue to collaborate with the cluster campuses, and plan vertical alignment across grade levels and content areas.
I hope that as each of you develop your PLCs with other campuses you would remember that there are some great ways to communicate through Skype or even with our distance learning equipment. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need assistance in collaborationing an communicating with other educators on other campuses. Also if integration of technology can help you as your develop your lessons the ITS Elementary TEAM can help you.
The Elementary Computer Lab EAs are constantly emailing each other to get help on programs we aren't familiar with. It is great to have so many people with so many different strengths to work with. Having collegues with other ideas, experiences, and knowledge that I can turn to makes learning a new program easier and less scary because I know I am not the only one.
I would like to see more collaboration between campuses and more communication, you have a team on campus but you also have a larger team with the 6 elementary schools going to BHS.
I know the Pre-K group is much smaller than the other grade levels but we have a Pre-K distribution list. I love it because any time a teacher finds something cool or finds a great way of doing something concerning our curriculum or just anything, they send it. It is understood by all on the list that they can use it or not. I'm so thankful for other teachers' ideas and experience-that has been my best resource!
Great idea,Mallory and Penny! The distribution list will be a good way to stay connected with any changes in our curriculum or any cool ideas to share. There isn't eenough time during our content meetings to really work with our grade levels--this is a wonderful way to do just that. And Teresa,I'm getting ready to do my first parent conference via Skype at the parent's request!!
I always enjoy getting to walk through the hallways at another campus to see what they are doing. Jennifer and I were walking down the kinder hall and saw something we liked. I took my phone out to take a pic, and the teacher saw me doing that. I walked away with a sample in both english and spanish that we can use for next year! I am looking forward to collaborating with the other kinder teachers to create some documents that will help support our new report card.
The librarians always share things among ourselves. We have been an alt for years. Meeting with just our cluster librarians is new. We have a large bank of lessons we have created on curriculum central which allows us to share even when we are not meeting in person. We are looking at each grade level's curriculum and trying to coordinate our lessons with yours. If you ever want me to help reinforce, introduce, or revisit a concept, just let me know and I will try to do it! (and then I will share that with my other librarian colleagues)
Ditto on that Janna!!
I always enjoy getting to walk through the hallways at another campus to see what teachers are doing as well!
What I would like to do is for my colleagues and I to bring ideas (STAAR readiness resources, great student interactive websites-teacher websites, games, etc....), and student work samples to share at our next meeting.
My PLC cluster group is great. We already know each other but have been discussing ideas in a different way in regards to assessment. We had a great conversation about the benefits of preassessment and shared some ideas about how to incorporate that more in our curriculum since we have all levels of learners even in the gifted classes. We already have a network drive where we share lessons, but are also trying something new called illuminate in which we communicate online in real time. Exciting times!!
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