We have talked a lot recently about possible changes in Curriculum and Instruction in
BISD. To keep you in the loop as much as possible, I will pass on the things I learn at principal meetings. After listening to Dr. Clark last Tuesday, I believe we can expect a much cleaner delivery of curriculum next year through
Eduphoria. I also expect we will be looking at research based instructional strategies and structures such as
Kagan and
Criss. If you are not familiar with these terms, never fear. Dr. Clark has emphasized that healthy training is essential to making these things work. My commitment to Walker Creek is to make sure our new learning connects with the things we already do well, and that we have the appropriate training and resources to use our new learning well. I am excited about our direction, and I hope that you see the possibilities for growth in the coming months. How we approach these changes will have a tremendous impact on our success. You heard Dr. Clark on Friday. How do you feel about the the direction
Birdville is going?