We have talked a lot recently about possible changes in Curriculum and Instruction in
BISD. To keep you in the loop as much as possible, I will pass on the things I learn at principal meetings. After listening to Dr. Clark last Tuesday, I believe we can expect a much cleaner delivery of curriculum next year through
Eduphoria. I also expect we will be looking at research based instructional strategies and structures such as
Kagan and
Criss. If you are not familiar with these terms, never fear. Dr. Clark has emphasized that healthy training is essential to making these things work. My commitment to Walker Creek is to make sure our new learning connects with the things we already do well, and that we have the appropriate training and resources to use our new learning well. I am excited about our direction, and I hope that you see the possibilities for growth in the coming months. How we approach these changes will have a tremendous impact on our success. You heard Dr. Clark on Friday. How do you feel about the the direction
Birdville is going?
I've learned that first impression is everything! I was very impressed with Dr. Clark's passion for education. The message that she delivered to us on Friday came from her experiences, but more importantly from her heart. I have no doubt that she has great plans for our district. I am excited that she's leading teachers on the right curriculum path. I am a learner at heart, and I am ready to learn more from her!!
I really like what I have seen from Dr. Clark. Having been to the Eduphoria training, I know that she and the consultants are trying to get things in place to make using this new system easy. I also think it is important to keep deconstructing the TEKS in our minds. The way that Jaimie Smith explained it made it simple, and I think it will make our lessons better when we think of the cognitive rigor during planning.
I was excited to hear her speak and share her vision and passion with us! Her emotional story about the football coach spoke volumes to me as to what type of leader she is. It is so good to be a part of a district that is always learning and growing together!
I felt like she is a positive person and I have heard she comes in and makes things happen. I look forward to those things being clear, concise and positive for our district!
I was impressed with Dr. Clark and what she had to say the other day. Positive things are happening in BISD. Love that comment about providing training for all new things for teachers. We are all life long learners and what a great opportunity to be part of a district that has the same thinking process.
I loved hearing her speak. Her positive energy is so refreshing, and she seemed so genuine. Her heart is in education, and I feel that she will do what's best for all of our schools. It is exciting!
Dr. Clark is an amazing and energetic woman who lead Hallsville ISD from a small, rural school district to one of the best in the area by changing the way we looked at curriculum. I was on the Kindergarten Curriculum Team- for the first time the district aligned the curriculum both horizontally and vertically. HISD was a consolidated school district so grade levels seldom saw eachother. This sure changed when Dr. Clark came on board. We were all pretty sure she coined the term "Dig Deeper" because she came to every meeting to teach us how to align the curriculum to teach upwards to the next grade. Accountability and data features were added. By the time she left for Katy ISD every person working in HISD knew Dr. Clark well!!! The 6 week curriculum planner is still used today in HISD. I am so glad she is here. She is positive and helpful but at the same time she is relentless in her pursuit of academic excellence!!
I thought what Dr. Clark said was exciting and informative. It sounds like she is ready to lead our district further in accomplishing our goals of "learning for all - whatever it takes" not just for our scholars but for our staff as well. Having a user friendly, alligned curriculum will definitely help in closing the learning gaps for some of our scholars. I like a woman with a plan and she sounds like she will deliver the goods!
Unfortunately, I was sick on Friday and did not have the opportunity to hear Dr. Clark speak. I am excited about Eduphoria and the idea that "healthy training is essential to making these things work." WOW will dovetail with Kagan since the premise is getting the kids engaged and working just as hard as the teachers do. It sounds like Criss will support Daily 5 since independence is the backbone of both concepts.
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