One of my signature strengths is connectedness. I'm always trying to figure out how things fit together and what they mean for the big picture. I hope you are making connections and finding value with the tools you are provided. Consider the following and look at them through the lense of the 4 guiding questions: Lesson Planning, Collaboration, RTI, WOW, Assessments, Flexible Grouping, Professional Learning, and more. How are these things fitting together and what connections are you making?
I am really enjoying our Thursday collaboration time and I think it directly enhances our WOW lessons. It gives us an extended period of time to delve deeper into how we teach. We've had to really be selective about what we include in our lessons. Also, it has caused us to take a second look at activities we have done in the past and evaluate whether they really are addressing the SE. Our assessments have a more clear purpose this year because they are used to guide our WIN time. Last week, we experimented with doing our WIN time for 90 minutes straight as opposed to 3-30 minute sessions. Early indications are that scholars prefer the longer 90 minute time.
Using the 4 guiding questions has impacted how we design lessons for WOW, weekly lesson planning and collaboration time. Like Roger stated, we are looking more closely at the SEs to determine the importance of activities and whether they should be continued.
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