It's time to evaluate our budget. We need to look at how we spent our money last year, and what changes we may want to consider for next year. I am seeking input from everyone because everyone is affected. Site-Based funds come from the state and are distributed through the district based on per-student spending formulas. You can open the budget attachments to see how our money was budgeted for this year and how much we have for next year. What works well for you in this process and what would you like to see different? Keep in mind this money is completely separate from our Activity Fund. Activity funds are generated through fundraisers such as the Coyote Fun Run.
I am very conscious of the fact that our administrators do the best they can to manage wisely the little bit we are given. I am not sure how school budget works but I do know that my number 1 need is storage. Every time we are given an opportunity to purchase something for our classroom there is never enough to buy expensive items such as cabinets because we are obligated to buy instructional materials. Also, the warehouse never has shelves or cabinets available. When we teach lower grades we must have all kinds of concrete objects to make learning playful and purposeful. All that fun stuff occupies a lot of space. I desperately need two or three of those rolling cabinets to store my stuff outside of my room. I am not sure if everybody else needs storage as I do. Maybe it could be a good cause for the next Fun Run instead of a discussion related to the budget.
Managing a budget for a school is not an easy task, and I fully understand. We appreciate every little bit of money to spend for our classroom because that means less out of our personal budget that needs to be spent.
I am thinking that we have a wonderfully stocked science lab (when it returns next year), but teachers spend a lot of their own monies on consumables to complete hands-on explorations. These explorations are important for the students to be successful on their examinations.
Wish there could be an allocation of monies kept on file where teachers could turn in receipts for reimbursement for purchased items for use in their science experiements.
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