You've heard the expression, "A tool is only as good as the person using it." I think that is a good thing to remember as we gear up to spend more than $20,000 on technology for Walker Creek. We want to make sure the things we buy fit in with our bottom line of learning and that scholars are able to actually use the tools. I have received some very good ideas from individuals and site-based team members who have conferred with their colleagues. We will have Jeff Samuelson joining us on Monday, November 21 at our faculty meeting to talk about viable technology tools. I encourage you to do some research on your own before then and be prepared to ask Jeff questions. Some of the tools that have been discussed include smart boards, laptops, digital cameras and video cameras,
itouches, and
ipads. Feel free to email Teresa, Jeff or any of the ITS if you have questions.
Please keep in mind that the whatever we decide as a campus the Elementary ITS will be there to help implement and help you learn all the skills you will need to make the tools enhance the learning
I've been doing a bit of reserach to make sure the SmartBoards were the way to go when talking about interactive white boards. I was surprised to learn that there is a another whiteboard that many prefer. It's called Promethean Systems. What I really like about these is that is comes with a mounted projector. That way you are not limited by space. With the Smart Board, the board can only be a fixed distance away from the projector, which causes the students to have to crowd in. Also, with the Promethean there are many options that we can purchase at a laterk date when monies come available. For example, they have Learner Response Systems (similar to CPS). I've no idea how the Prometheans are, though. I think we should see if a rep will bring one to school and demonstrate for us. From what I've read they can do a lot more things than a smartboard. Also, available soon will be a free update software that allows your entire class to write on the board simultaneously. Sounds very exciting to me.
Here is their website:
I also think it would be great to have a class set of Ipads. I hear there are lots of uses for those in the classroom setting.
Thanks for your educating post, Roger--honestly, I just don't know enough to give my opinion. I really think I need to sit and listen to what Jeff has to say in our meeting Monday. I love the idea of the interactive learning that can take place with new technology tools--but feel like my scholars know more than I do about I-Pads and I-Touches since I own neither. Teresa, you are going to be busy helping me!!
One of my concerns about SmartBoards are with the comment Roger made. Some friends of mine said that the one thing they do not like is that they do not have access to their white board due to the SmartBoard. Also, currently we are using our computers at Daily 5 for Listen to Reading. I think it would be great to have I-Pods or I-Touches to use during this time for Read to Self, Word Work or Work on Writing.
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