There is nothing quite like being with family for Thanksgiving. Jeanne and I took Charlie to Carlsbad where my folks live. We got to spend some time with my 93 year grandmother and the food was amazing. What else would you expect from parents who own a bakery/restaurant. We would like to hear your Thanksgiving stories if you want to share. By the way, this picture was taken 2 days ago with an iPhone app called
Hipstamatic that makes your photos look vintage.
Thanksgiving has been a time for family since I was small. Being Puerto Rican, food, family and music makes the world go round. Family is the rock of my life. My father's terminal illness was not predicted to allow him another Thanksgiving. Thanks to chemo, it gave him this 2011 Thanksgiving. Food, football, music, friends and family, that's what it was all about for me.
We have had a great time of family fun! Arthur Christmas was so cute, and family time on Thanksgiving was special. Yesterday we took a road trip to Waco and visited the Homestead Heritage Craft Fair. Trey made a paddleboat and a tool box by himself. I hope everyone had a blessed and thankful break! Cherish every moment.
This year was a great holiday. I had the pleasure of having my Dad over who due to a bitter divorce hasn't come around a lot. This was the first Thanksgiving I've had with him in over 15 years and my Mom even came over too. There was no bickering just family fun and good food. I've enjoyed my days off and am now preparing for my upcoming foot surgery by doing lots of cleaning around house.
My daughter (Kali) and I went to east Texas to visit my family for Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful time and enjoyed my parents and cousins. Mom always cooks more food than we can possibly eat, but everyone has an abundance of options and enjoys the good time. There's nothing like mom's dressing, chocolate and pecan pie and special fruit salad. We made our trip home on Friday to beat the traffic and enjoyed decorating for Christmas. Looking forward to sharing Christmas with all over the next few weeks. Enjoy the break!!
I spent Thanksgiving with my two sisters, a nephew and his wife from Detroit, a niece who is working as an intern at the White House, and another niece just back from Afganistan. Food was great, but catching up was even better. We left Houston Fri. to come to a wedding for my sister in law. My brother died almost 10 years ago. The wedding included her 4 kids and their spouses, his 2 kids and their spouses and 10 grandchildren. There was a party last night with a band and everyone danced. I do mean everyone!!!! What fun !!
My family spent the holiday in Killeen Texas. We had a great time with family and friends on Thanksgiving day In Georgetown. I was one of the crazy folks that braved Black Friday all night just for the fun of it. Last night we finished up our holiday with family by competing in our annual Gingerbread Building competition. It was so much fun! We are now in the car heading home and we are stoping off in Hillsboro to celebrate my oldest sons (ty)18th birthday. He is skydiving!
Thanksgiving was so pleasant and relaxing!! There are many reasons why this year was especially relaxing for me: We didn't have to travel since my in-laws live 15minutes away, I only had to cook two things to take over to my in-laws, my youngest child(5) is getting old enough that she plays with the older cousins so I got to talk to the other adults more, actually watch football(GREAT FOOTBALL BTW), play on Pinterest and nap! The next few weeks' theme in Pre-K continues to be CHOICES which looks like fun and 3 weeks until another break is just SO do-able!! I guess I just feel rested. I definitely needed those extra days:)
I cooked my very first turkey and dressing for our kids the Sunday before since everyone was going to be scattered on Thanksgiving Day. I spent the break in Longview helping care for my momma but also enjoyed helping my dad prepare the two twenty pound turkeys, double batch of dressing and my momma's famous rolls to take to my brother's house. Jerry and I were surprised but so excited to get to share our Thanksgiving Day meal with three Special Ops soldiers who were vising my niece and her husband! My brother prayed the sweetest prayer as one is being deployed again soon--just made me really thankful for our freedom as well as special time with those we love!
This Thanksgiving was bittersweet. My sister and her family usually drive in from Kansas City but with her daughter in college, they opted to stay home. My younger son and his wife went to Oklahoma to see her family. Our older son joined my husband and me. Although we downsized on the turkey from 24 to 15 pounds, I still cooked all the side dishes and Paula Deen's Pumpkin Gooey Cake. Even though it was just the three of us, we enjoyed fellowship, food and football as a family.
We have a big family(15 just in our immediate family) so it is always a lot of fun and very loud and rowdy. Being from a big Puerto Rican family the food is a little differnet although we alwyas do the traditional turkey and gravy but it is always accompanied by pernil(pork roast) and rice with chick peas called arroz con gandules. It is my husband and sons favorite dishes. My favorite part of the week was how excited Janson gets to see his cousins and to put up decorations. Janson turns 5 on Christmas day and its his favorite holiday just like his mommy. This weekend we had already planned on decorating but he also talked both his grandmothers into putting their Christmas decorations up as well. It was a blessed Thanksgiving.
My son came home from college and then the 3 of us drove to Pensacola Florida to see my mom. We walked on the beach when the waves were REALLY crashing, and ate at our favorite seafood restaurant. We had a great feast on Thanksgiving and my Aunt Margie came over to join us. I love spending those relaxed days with lots of open time to chat or play gin rummy! And the traffic was not bad either.
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it marks the beginning of the best time of year...Christmas! My parents invited Micah's family to their new house in Weatherford for Thanksgiving this year. I was in charge of dessert, so I made 4 pies and homemade ice cream for the big day! We all ate a ton of food and had a wonderful time with both sides of the family. Friday, we spent all day decorating our house for Christmas (very fun!). Saturday we played our weekly game of Ultimate Frisbee in the crazy wind. It was a fun and busy weekend!
Thanksgiving holidays are special to me. I enjoy spending time with family. I cooked my first Thanksgiving dinner this year and it turned out pretty good. I was quite proud of myself. My dad, brother, and niece all came over. We ate until we could eat no more. I am such a family person and love being around my family. I love the holidays!
This has been a very different Thanksgiving for me. It was my first holiday since my dad passed away. But on a lighter note my Thanksgiving weekend was so exciting. My son is opening a food truck/catering business. That weekend was the first time we began to see everything come together.
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