Our Birdville Cluster Professional Learning Community is all about collaboration. What part of the work done on January 2 did you find beneficial to you? How will you contribute to the collaborative effort for all teachers in your grade level or department? What would you like to see next from our PLC?
The group of teachers that I worked with did an excellent job creating a reading assessment. I felt that having the time to set aside to do the work was beneficial, and being able to work together made our end result better than what we could have done on our own. I think at our next PLC it would be helpful to have just a little more time to work on making assessments or designing lessons together. I enjoyed working today with the other campuses.
We collaborated on different ways to assess and collect data using our IEP's as the starting point.
We discussed ways to use our data to help us support the TEKS when writing our IEP's. It was very positive and proactive.
It would be nice if the PLC had an area for those of us using IEP's developed from our assessments as our starting point for building our curriculum. However, we did figure out how to mesh with the general concepts discussed today.
I really enjoyed the group that I was with. We collaborated, analyzed and reanalyzed the information to make sure that we were all on the same page. I guess this is what they mean about eliminating random variables. It was amazing how many ways the TEKS were interpreted and how much was left to creativity. It was very helpful to be part of a campus that does WOW. It made this process easier. I can see the value of using the process for the harder to teach TEKS and the benefits of it. We enjoyed it.
It was incredibly awesome to be able to ease drop on your professional conversations at yesterdays PLC. It just amazes me how each of you take an active part in your role to build a strong relationship within our cluster. You are to be commended for taking a leadership role in your groups. Walker Creek really stood out and contributed and I am confident this will continue to only be seen more and more. Way to represent!I am a proud coyote.
Like Mr. Gregory, my "aw ha" moment came in breaking down the objective. My table worked well together in writing a pre-test for writing objective 15.C. Jennifer N. has already mailed us our pre-test copy along with a documentation sheet to chart scholars' progress. I feel like I left with something constructive to use in my classroom for my scholars.
The PLC is such a great idea! I look forward to us learning together each time we meet.Hopefully, we will utilize the folders to learn from one another in between the actual meetings. In our group, we were able to take a specific concept in math--probability-- and talk as a team about how to approach lesson planning each week using the four questions format instead of the "select an activity" approach.
I love being able to talk to and work with other teachers from different campuses. I always leave with new ideas and ways to look at things. The group I worked with was great. Taking an objective and breaking it down to analyze it and see how we can teach it to our scholars was beneficial. I agree with the fact that I would have loved more time to design some lessons. I have to say that this year's staff development opportunities are meaningful and I leave feeling like I have accomplished something.
I learned an interesting thing about the language of the TEKS. The "including" and "such as" that Jamie Smith referred to. Breaking down the objectives that way was interesting. I too am hoping to see more things in the share folders. A lot of the people I talked to that day didn't even know about the share folder so I am hoping to sahre more things in the future.
I think it was a great way to cone back from break. It provided a purpose and gave us something to implement day one in our classrooms. I enjoy talking with my colleagues and sharing ideas.
Getting a chance to collaborate with others is invaluable. We had the chance to discuss with others details of assessment, we found consistencies with our programs and perhaps some ways to improve upon practices. We looked a bit deeper into the Teks for better understanding and probably most importantly had the opportunity to discuss effective lessons a bit. I have already gotten an email from another person within our group which stemmed from the meeting; that suggests to me the PLC has done its job, to create a learning community with more support for all teachers.
I agree with Janna about the language of the TEKS. I knew there was a difference between "including" and "such as" but had forgotten what it was. Also, it makes so much more sense to break down the objectives than to cut and paste as we have done in the past! It was exciting to work with another team of first grade teachers and decide how to assess the objective. Also, the TEK we chose did not have a stated context. We had the opportunity to discuss and come to an agreement as to how we wanted to present the objective to the scholars. I look forward to meeting with them again. Allie, I agree that we could use more time with our grade level group.
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