What a great day! My first Coyote Fun Run will be remembered for long time. The thing that stood out the most for me was seeing all of the scholars on the sidelines cheering on their fellow scholars. Thank you to our rotation teachers for their direction. Thank you to the teachers who brought their scholars out multiple times to cheer. Thank you to volunteers for their time. Thank you to Lisa for a tremendous job as MC. It was a great event that was truly encouraging and engaging. What are your thoughts about our Coyote Fun Run?
I didn't know what to expect because this was my first fun run as well. It was absolutely AWESOME! What a great way to raise money for our school, and the kids loved it. I'm looking forward to running next year, instead of waddling. : )
I loved the FUN RUN! It is inspiring to me every year to see the scholars enthusiam and excitement. I know that Trey talked about it all week and could not wait for the FUN RUN! My class loved cheering on their reading buddies, and I also loved seeing all my former students participate in the event. Walking with my class and encouraging the scholars to keep going is special to me. The FUN RUN promotes school spirit and unity, and I believe that it is one of the things that makes WCE the best school!
I really enjoyed the Fun Run this year and it amazes me how long the kids can run. I had fun walking/jogging with my class but my legs are still quite sore. I guess I should have prepared for this. It was also fun encourging our Reading Bubbies. My son, Cameron, said it made him so happy to have his dad and I there cheering him on!!
There is a lot of work leading up to the Fun Run but it is my favorite day of the year! This was my second Fun Run and both times I have been amazed by the scholars endurance and enthusiasm. my favorite part has to be when the older kids run with the younger kids to motivate and encourage.
I love the fresh air, physical movement aspect of the Fun Run.
The students really look forward to the Fun Run every year. I have students who come up when they see me for the first time after the summer break who ask about when we will have the Fun Run. I took the kinder students out about a week before to practice running around a track so they would know what to expect. I had older students who left their soccer game and recess who wanted to encourage the little ones and run with them. I love it!
Last year was my first Fun Run and I enjoyed it so much that this year I decided to be on the committee. Being on the committee was hard work but watching the kids from 5th grade down to PPCD really push to do their best was so touching. My daughters enjoyed running and Olivia ran with her reading buddy and to see them run holding hands encouraging each other gave me such joy. Vince made a goal this year to run 20 laps, which is double from last year, and towards the end he was very tired and complained that his bad knee hurt but he kept going and although I carried him the last lap he reached his goal. The best part though was being a shirt marker because every time a scholar made another lap and we marked the shirt their faces lit up with a proud smile and they were off for another lap. A big thanks to to the BHS track team that helped the younger classes that was very sweet.
Our Pre-K scholars loved it!! I loved that we were grouped with kinder and first grade because they were SUPER examples of effort and great attitudes. It was so evident that the scholars cheering them on made them feel so special and helped keep them going! Thanks to the committee for all of the work that went into making it happen!!
Having a different perspective from the sidelines this year instead of walking with my class made me want to jump up and run, even with my healing foot! I LOVE the Fun Run--the fact that it is our only fundraiser is great but the best part is that everyone can set a goal and participate, whether they are pre-K or 5th grade, in shape or not!! Cheering for other friends in other grade levels makes the whole day special, not just our time to run. The promotion of a healthy lifestyle is another piece to the education of our scholars--maybe we can have a fall and a spring Fun Run!!!!
Kudos to all involved! I thought it was a great day! It is always fun to see the excitement of the Fun Run through my Kindergarten scholars. They LOVED having their reading buddies come out and run with them. I am so proud of our buddies for encouraging them to do their best and keep going! I also loved seeing all the classes and parents supporting the runners. Great day, now let the pledges pour in!
I enjoyed the Fun Run immensely this year. As my scholars were going around the track I heard several comments "the track is bigger this year". Whether it was or not, everybody had a wonderful time. Lisa has a second calling as a DJ! The music keeps everybody excited as they move around the track. Go Green!
Everyday our scholars exercise their intellect but I love seeing all of the scholars exercise their bodies, too. The community involvement on this day from sponsors to parents and grandparents blows me away every time. We are such a fun and active school and I love that about us. Coyote Fun Run is one of my favorite days at WCE.
The kids and their parents seem to really enjoy the Fun Run. It seeoms to get better every year. I am a little concerned over whether we will have enough pledge money coming in this year. We have encouraged participation through our first grade nesletter and in emails. We will have to see.
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